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  • 06/06/2024 9:22 PM | Arne Olsen (Administrator)

    Photos can be uploaded directly from your mobile phone to the club website. Use the horizontal arrow at the right upper-most corner to log in to the club website. When you select the upload icon in the photo album it is possible to choose an image from your phone.

  • 05/06/2024 4:06 PM | Arne Olsen (Administrator)

    Everyone wants to stay healthy so they can continue to bicycle, right?

    Take a look at these two books by Jessie Inchauspe

    Glucose Revolution and The Glucose Goddess Method.

    Interesting to read, non-technical, yet informative.

    The order you eat foods can make a difference and a tablespoon of vinegar in water can change insulin spikes following eating.

    Coffee is bitter, beer is bitter. Sugar is pleasant.


  • 10/09/2023 10:37 AM | Dan Doyle (Administrator)

    Our friends at Bike Lambertville have started a newsletter which has some great information and can be viewed here  

  • 09/13/2023 3:53 PM | Arne Olsen (Administrator)

    As a special interest group, WJW is being asked to consider signing a petition started by local residents to reduce the speed limit at Rileyville Road in Hopewell.

    Rileyville Road starts at Hopewell, climbs up into the Sourlands, past Mountain Rd and Ridge Rd and connects to Wertsville Rd.

    "As residents, we have become increasingly concerned with the speed at which personal vehicles and heavy commercial trucks travel this route."

    The link to the petition and rationale is here.

    Essentially, the petition would be a request to re-evaluate the speed limit on this road. Perhaps, the solution will be to remind drivers to stay within the posted speed limit via police presence or an electronic sign. 

    This post is to inform club members of the petition and make it easy to add your name. 

  • 07/31/2023 3:12 PM | Arne Olsen (Administrator)

    Park on the grass area, as far as possible from the restaurant so that regular patrons have easy access to Brunellos Trattoria.

    This Saturday, August 5th the Flateau ride is returning, starting at Brunellos Trattoria at Old Croton Road.

    Historically, this ride has been an opportunity for riders to attempt up to a Century in total distance since the ride returns to the Trattoria multiple times. You can return to your car for water or perhaps reconsider the total ride distance.

    For most of our club members, bicycle riding is their physical conditioning event. WJW is among the local bicycle clubs that have seen reduced participation since the quarantines of 2020 redefined the established patterns.

    Remember it is fun to bicycle and is a proactive lifestyle activity.

    The plan is to have everyone complete your selected route distance between 2:00 pm and 2:30 pm.

    Consider participating this weekend and staying to socialize and have a beer (on the club) and perhaps lunch. 

    Non-Club members are welcome.

  • 12/27/2022 9:04 PM | Arne Olsen (Administrator)

    Heat maps of club rides from 2022. The club had about 750 individual member ride-days this past year.  

  • 07/07/2022 4:32 PM | Arne Olsen (Administrator)

    Following public discourse, Route 629 north of Round Valley Reservoir is open to all traffic.

    Clinton Township has already approved the recommendation to permanently close Route 629 north of Round Valley Reservoir once the dam reconstruction project is finished.

  • 11/21/2021 8:51 AM | WJW Bike Club (Administrator)

    A lot of this is common sense, but these are important tips for us all, from

    1. Behave like a car. Ride just like you’d drive.

    • Signal your intentions to turn right or left.
    • If you will be going straight ahead at an intersection, don’t get in the right turn lane.
    • If you are going to make a left turn stick out your left arm, check behind you and move onto the roadway before turning left. If possible move to a left turn lane — don’t just dart across from the shoulder.

    2. Be predictable. For example, don’t move right between parked cars and then back into the traffic lane.

    3. Don’t ride against traffic. You wouldn’t think of riding down the shoulder against traffic. If there is a two-way bike path adjoining the road and you ride on it against traffic, a driver entering the road from the right will look left for oncoming traffic and won’t notice you coming up on the right.

    4. Ride on the road, not a path. You are much more likely to be seen by a driver if you are riding on the shoulder than if you are on a separate path along the road. Not all experts agree with this and depending on the circumstances a separate well-signed bike path may be safer.

    5. Obey all laws. Following the law makes you safer and makes a good impression about cyclists on drivers.

    6. Yield to cars — they’re bigger. Even if you have the right of way, if you're not sure if it’s safe to proceed then yielding is probably prudent.

    7. Always wear a helmet and wear it correctly. If I hadn’t been wearing a helmet when the truck hit me I would have been an organ donor. You shouldn’t be able to move your helmet more than about 1/2 inch (1 cm) with your hands.  The Snell Foundation is an excellent resource on how to buy the proper helmet for your head and how to adjust it.

    8. Use a mirror.  Another Boulder rider was killed because he moved left without looking behind himself. I use helmet mirror because I ride several different bikes and the mirror is always with me. Some riders prefer a mirror on the glasses — this works as long as you remember to put it on. Some riders prefer a mirror on the end of the handlebar; however, the rider has to look down from the road to see in the mirror.

    9. Look twice. A mirror is good for monitoring what’s going on behind you; however, if you’re about to move or turn left also look over your shoulder to be sure the road is clear.

    10. Look for yourself. If you’re riding in a paceline and the lead riders yell “clear” as they enter an intersection look for yourself to see if it’s clear as you approach it.

    11. Use only one ear bud. If you like to listen to music while you ride only use one ear bud in your right ear. Your hearing is a good supplement to your mirror.

    12. Scan continuously. Fighter pilots are taught to scan the sky rather than looking ahead; they’re more likely to spot changes, which could be significant.

    13. Be aware and anticipate. As you scan the road, anticipate potential problems. Especially in a group keep looking around for potential problems.

    14. Be visible. For a dozen years I led the UltraMarathon Cycling Association and also ran my JHnFriends bicycle tours. I produced different jerseys each year and most of them just hang in my closet now — they aren’t very bright.  I’ve also started using a flashing headlight and taillight day and night. My riding partner John Elmblad has written a column on Rear Lights for Daylight Riding.

    15. Assume you are invisible. Even with a bright jersey and flashing lights don’t assume that the driver of the car about to make a right turn or exiting a parking lot sees you.

    These tips will help avoid an accident riding in a group.

    16. Know your fellow riders. If you’re riding with a group you don’t know well be cautious because you don’t know how they’ll behave.

    17. Call out your intentions. In a group either signal your intentions or call them out before you turn or move sideways.

    18. Guard your front wheel. In a group don’t let your front wheel overlap the rear wheel of another rider. If he moves sideways he’ll knock you down.

    19. Feather your brakes. In a group brake lightly to slow down so you don’t take out the rider behind you.

    20. Use both brakes and get your weight back. Most of your braking power comes from the front brake. If you have to brake hard use both brakes and slide back in the saddle so you don’t go over the bars.

    21. Practice cornering.  Set up a slalom course in an empty parking lot and practice riding through it.  Start slowly and gradually go faster.  Here’s a column on how to countersteer, an effective way to get through a corner faster.

    22. Practice riding a straight line. In a large empty parking lot practice riding in a straight line on a white line separating parking spaces. You can also practice this on a road with very little traffic. Practice riding on the white line separating the shoulder from the road while using your mirror to watch for traffic coming from the rear.

    23. Practice balance. See how slowly you can ride across a lawn just in case you fall. Ride with a friend to see who can go slowest.

  • 06/07/2021 7:32 PM | Dan Doyle (Administrator)

    Well known in local cycling circles for many years, Dan Rappoport of Princeton, is primed and ready to go for his next title.

    PRINCETON: June 7, 2021 --Known as Dashing Dan, the Perimeter Man, for his pursuit of miles logged for the Perimeter Bicycling Association of America, Inc, Rappoport is part of an elite group that specializes in circumnavigating geographical locations. These rides precisely follow the outlines of towns, counties, states, lakes and anything that can be ridden around. Rappoport has logged well over 4,000 perimeter miles since 2008 when he began his quest.

    Dashing Dan is out for the record of famed cyclist Joan Joestling-Mahoney, who cycled the perimeters of Australia, Denmark, Netherlands, Finland, Iceland, Ireland and many more countries. His ride, started on Memorial Day weekend 2021, and to be completed the first weekend of June, covers the perimeter of Somerset County and will tie Joestling-Mahoney’s record for most counties circumnavigated. He aims to break her county perimeter record of 26 with a two-day ride around Middlesex County with a ride on Labor Day weekend.

    “In the winter of ’08, an ad in “Adventure Cycling” for The Perimeter Bicycling Association of America caught my interest. Since then, I’ve done 25 county perimeters, two states, two mountains, three rivers, and a township.” Rappoport’s routes have taken him through Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. Each perimeter route must be at least 50 miles. “Unfortunately Princeton is not on my list because our town is too small,” he says ruefully.

    To qualify a ride for the record book, the rider must secure written statements from businesses along the route attesting to the date and time that the rider passed by, validating the route and the distance.

    Rappoport has been an avid rider for years and was one of the original incorporators of the Princeton Freewheelers. He is a member of the Central Jersey Bicycle Club, as well as other biking groups in the area including the Western Jersey Wheelmen where he is an at-large Trustee. He also serves on the Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee for the town of Princeton, which promotes walking and bicycling and advises the Mayor and Council on pedestrian and bicycle accommodations.

    Contact Dan Rappoport at or Sallye Williams of the Perimeter Bicycling Association of America at

  • 11/20/2020 7:02 PM | Arne Olsen (Administrator)

    One obstacle to using Herman Thau Rd has been eliminated.

    The other obstacle - the steep hills and rolling contour, remains.

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