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Western Jersey Wheelmen
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  • Membership Renewal Is Coming!

Membership Renewal Is Coming!

02/11/2020 7:58 PM | Dan Doyle (Administrator)

As you may or may not know, memberships in the Western Jersey Wheelmen run from March 1 to the end of February. If you've already renewed your membership for this year, thank you. If not, please consider renewing now. By renewing your membership, you help us 'keep the lights on' and help pay for the hosting of the website and other expenses the club incurs during the year -- such as insurance and the club's membership in the League of American Bicyclists -- to keep the club running. Membership dues also help pay for the events the club hosts throughout the year, like the Club Century in July, the Ride-a-Palooza in October, and the Longest Day and Shortest Day rides in June and December, and of course the Winter Party in January.

NOTE: If you joined after November 1 of last year, your membership for this year has automatically been extended until next March.

You can renew your membership in 2 ways:

- Either click on the avatar/picture in the upper right corner of the homepage, click on 'View Profile', then scroll down and click on the 'RENEW' button, and then follow the instructions to complete the renewal process. You can pay either by credit card or check, but note that if you pay by check, the renewal won't take effect until payment is received.

- Or alternatively, click on the 'Join Us' link from the menu bar on the homepage. You'll see a message that you're already a member, followed by a link to 'Edit your member profile'. Click that link and follow the same instructions indicated above.

If any difficulties send an email to


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Western Jersey Wheelmen
P.O. Box 168
Three Bridges, NJ  08887

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